Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pitzer College

Greetings from the Campus of Pitzer College in Claremont, CA!
Stepping off the Claremont McKenna campus and onto the Pitzer campus is like leaving a politically “red state” to enter a “blue state”. Pitzer College includes approximately 1000 liberal and very politically, socially, environmentally and artistically conscious students. Students are encouraged to decorate their campus with personal murals. Environmental sustainability is an obvious passion as desert-type landscaping predominates and the newest dorm was built to the highest green-building standards. Students are very active promoting multiple personal causes, as well as having a say in how their school is run. They have a lot of freedom to select classes to fulfill their General Ed requirements, and they very often design their own majors. Students enjoy political and philosophical debates into the night. The social scene is very active.

Some students rave about the academics; others wish the classes were more challenging and take some classes at Pomona. All, however, agree about the wonderful accessibility to Pitzer professors and how easy it is to really get to know them. Academic emphasis is on intercultural understanding – all students are required to learn about a culture other than their own to learn to transcend separating cultural barriers. 72% study abroad. Students are also expected to carry out an activity using their knowledge for the service of others. Admissions looks for students who are “agents of change” and who are passionate about the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. The SAT is optional if you are in the top 10% of your class or have an un-weighted GPA of 3.5 in academic subjects.