Thursday, February 5, 2009

Harvey Mudd College

Greetings From the Campus of Harvey Mudd College!

Harvey Mudd specializes in Engineering, Math and the Sciences. Its mission is “to educate scientists who are well versed in technical areas as well as the social sciences.” A minor in the humanities or social sciences is required. A general engineering education is provided. “Students who want to specialize in an engineering field should not apply.” They want “kids who like to drink from a fire hose of knowledge and have superior brain processing power.” 1/3 of the freshman class had Math SAT’s of 800. It is ranked #2 of Undergrad Engineering Schools by USNWR. It is part of the Claremont Colleges Consortium and has 738 students.

Team collaboration is highly stressed and students take their Honor Code very seriously. Students work on 35+ clinic programs per year in groups of 4-5 to solve real world problems. HM students are well aware of the impact their work will have on society and have a great real world appreciation. I was particularly impressed that the faculty seemed very friendly and available - all were in offices with open doors when I toured.

This is a place for “cool” engineers, with a laid-back style, who wear flip-flops, travel by skateboard and love staying up half the night to solve a problem. Most dorms have used furniture, hammocks and fire pits outside for “hanging out.” Harvey Mudd is known on campus for techno-rock and strobe light parties. First semester classes are pass/fail and if a student gets two “high passes” they receive a “Get a Life” letter from the Dean, urging them to relax more. Geeks are welcome and they tend to live in the outer, quieter dorms, but they are outside the typical personality of a Harvey Mudd student.

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